Tabûra Enternasyonal - Go on Home Turkish Soldiers
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Tabûra Enternasyonal - Go on Home Turkish Soldiers

Go on home Turkish Soldiers, go on home
Have you got no fucking home of your own
For over 40 years we've fought you without fear
And we will fight you for a few hundred more

If you stay, Turkish soldiers, if you stay
You'll never ever beat the YPG
'Cause the friends in Ras Al-Ayn,
will kill your bloody smiles
So take a tip and leave us where we be

So go on home... (Dîsgotin)

We are no Turks, no Jihadis, we are no Yankees
We' re Apocîs and proud we are to be
So fuck you Trump and Pence.
We love our self defense.
We want to see Rojava free again!

So go on home.... (Dîsgotin)

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