Lee Brickley - Song For The YPJ
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Lee Brickley - Song For The YPJ

Have you heard about a people
and their occupied homelands
They fought alongside allies in the war against saddam
The liberators of Rojava
Those brave women our friends
Some gave their lives for freedom
and they'd do it all again

So I sing today for the YPJ
in solidarity for those in Kurdistan
There's martrs there from almost everywhere
They come from far and wide to lend a hand
If only everyone could understand
The revolution rests in their loving hands

Those guerrillas fought islamic state
and all that they stood for
Put an end to the caliphate
a bolt across the door
The women's protection unit
was the first of its kind
The jihadis ran when they saw ladies behind the gun sights


There's something strange happening
Turkey has intervened
And pushed our freedom fighters
right out of Afrin
The government is sanctioning
A pillage by the state
and murdering the very people they vow to protect


Have you heard about a people
and their occupied homelands
They fought alongside allies in the war against saddam
The liberators of Rojava
Those brave women and men
Some gave their lives for freedom
and they'd do it all again


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